Friday, February 25, 2011

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Boeuf Bourguignon di Julia Child

Initially I was not too convinced to buy the two volumes 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking' by Julia Child.
And you say "Why?"
Why the Child is definitely a very good cook, nice, but, despite her famous film mostly I liked it very much, the thought of a recipe created by a French cook American, especially for us Italians to France that we have the two steps, did not convince me very much ...
I then documented on the internet and I noticed a detail that later became the reason why I chose to buy the books: the attention to detail.
Julia Child, in her recipes, describes in detail every single ingredient, cooking time, the methods and doses. Everything perfectly, so I said to myself "infuse this Child deserves a thorough read!"
So I bought the book and began to groom.
The first recipe was the famous "Reine de Saba" cake very sweet and very well balanced in the ingredients!
But the prediction was for me to measure myself with the Boeuf Bourguignon, the stew that it is only to pronounce it, I did emerge back memories of old and smells of steaming casserole recipes, cooking lens, good produce, that which prevailed in the kitchen of my dear grandmother Felicetta.
I could not make this gorgeous recipe for great Julia Child!
so I set to work immediately, on a beautiful sunny day and began to translate the recipe from English into Italian.
From the book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" by Julia Child, p.. 288 ...
"As with the famous dishes, there are several ways to do a good Boeuf Bourguignon.
properly cooked and perfectly spiced is certainly one of the most delicious meat dishes created by man, and can also be the main dish for a buffet dinner. Fortunately, you can prepare in advance, the day before and then heat it: we gain in flavor.

Ingredients for 6:
  • 160 gr. of bacon ( Food Farm )
Togliete la cotenna e tagliate la pancetta a bastoncini. Cuocete la cotenna e la pancetta in 350 ml. di acqua per 10 minuti. Scolatele, asciugatele e tenetele da parte.
Riscaldate il forno a 230°.
  • 1 casseruola con coperchio da forno di circa 25 cm di diametro e alta circa 7 cm.
  • 1 cucchiao di  olio di oliva  ( Colonna )
  • 1 mestolo forato
Rosolate la pancetta nell'olio a fuoco moderato per 2 o 3 minuti. Trasferitela con l'aiuto del mestolo forato in un piatto. Riportate la casseruola sul fuoco e riscaldate bene il grasso prima di rosolare il manzo.
  • 1.4 kg. di  polpa di  manzo  tagliata a cubetti di circa 7 cm. 
Asciugate la carne con un tovagliolo di carta e rosolatela, pochi pezzi per volta, nell'olio e grasso della pancetta ben caldi facendo in modo that all sides remain beautiful golden brown. Drain and keep them in the pot with the bacon.
  • 1 carrot sliced \u200b\u200b
  • 1 onion sliced \u200b\u200b
same golden fat vegetables and then discard the fat.
  • 1 teaspoon ; salt
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • 2 tablespoons flour ( Molino Chiavazza )
Pour the beef and bacon to the pan and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with flour and place the pan without the lid in the middle of the oven for 4 minuti.Trascorso leaving this time, out of the oven, have a nice mixed and fired again for another 4 minutes.
  • 750 ml. of red wine (Beaujolais, Cotes du Rhone or Bordeaux-St. Émilion or Burgundy or Chianti)
  • 500/750 ml. of broth beef
  • 1 tablespoon tomato (I used the tomato paste Mutti )
  • 2 cloves garlic  schiacciati 
  • 1/2 cucchiaino di  timo
  • 1 foglio di  alloro  spezzettata
  • la  cotenna boiled bacon
Pour the wine and the broth so the meat will be covered over. Add the tomato paste, garlic, herbs and rind. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Then cover the casserole and bake accommodation in the bottom of the third compartment by adjusting the oven temperature so that the liquid simmering gently for about 2 ½, 3 hours.
The meat is ready when a fork penetrates easily.
  • 18-24 onions
  • 1 tablespoon and a half butter unsalted
  • 1 / 2 tablespoon olio d'oliva   ( Colonna )
  • 120 ml. di  brodo  di carne
  • sale  e  pepe  macinato al momento
  • 1 foglia di  alloro
  • 2 rametti di  prezzemolo  
  • 450 gr. of mushrooms cut into quarters
  • 2 tablespoons butter unsalted
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
While meat is cooking in the oven, prepare the onions and mushrooms.
In a large skillet heat the oil and butter and add the onions. Let them blow gently over medium heat for about 10 minutes so that you DORINO evenly as possible, without breaking.
Pour the broth, season to taste, add herbs and cover. Cook for about 40-50 minutes time necesaria the onions remain perfectly tender, while retaining their shape, and the liquid is almost evaporated. Remove the herbs and set aside the onions.

As for the mushrooms like heating 's oil and butter in a frying pan over high heat. Add the mushrooms and mix by moving the pan for about 5 minutes. Soon as they are golden, remove from heat and keep aside until ready to use.
When the meat is cooked, switch its cooking juices through a strainer placed over a saucepan. Clean the pan with a clean cloth and rimetteteci meat and bacon. Finally add the onions and mushrooms.

Degrease the sauce and boil for 1-2 minutes, removing the 'any grease gets on the surface. You should get about 550-600 ml. a sauce so dense that cover the back of a spoon perfectly, almost without slipping. If it proves too let it thicken by boiling liquid until it has reached the right consistency. If, however, is too thick, stretch it with the broth. Season to your will. Pour the sauce over the meat and vegetables.
  • Parsley
If you serve at once: cover the pan and simmer for 2-3 minutes, basting occasionally with meat and vegetable sauce.
Serve in its casserole dish or boeuf bourguignon put into a tray and serve with boiled potatoes, pasta or boiled rice and decorate with parsley.
If you serve the next day: Make it cool before storing in the refrigerator. Half an hour prima di servirlo, riscaldatelo sul fuoco portandolo a bollore e poi incoperchiando la casseruola e facendolo cuocere piano piano per circa 10 minuti, bagnandolo di tanto in tanto con la sua salsa."

Il Boeuf Bouruignon è lo stufato più buono che io abbia mai mangiato.
Io e il mio Amore abbiamo accompagnato il sughetto con una baguette calda.
Eravamo entrambi estasiati!!!
Chi volesse sfogliare gratuitamente il libro in può scaricarlo cliccando  QUI .
Grazie, Julia Child!
A tutti,  Bon Appétit!


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