Saturday, February 26, 2011

Birthday And Baptismal At The Same Day

Shopping fine saldi

Hello girls,
yesterday finally after nearly 2 years of abstinence I have given a little 'shopping the streets of Cagliari. I finally managed to go to the famous Pimkie which opened a few months ago, in another shop of a French chain called Jennyfer , this has just opened and not even know the 'existence, from Zara and Tezenis . I must say that Pimkie Jennifer and I finally found my two favorite stores in assoluto in cui avrei comprato (e non lo dico per esagerare) tutta la collezione per intero!!!! Mannaggia ai soldi limitati!!!!!

Ora vi faccio vedere i miei acquisti, partendo dagli accessori presi da Pimkie. Il primo è questa favolosa collana che appena ho visto è come se una calamita la attirasse alle mie mani e non si è più staccata fino alla cassa ;) Ecco le foto prese dal sito dato che con la mia fotocamera non riuscivo a farla vedere bene:

Io la trovo assolutamente favolosa....indossata with a mesh to a single color under the very rich look. I took it a beige tank top and then from Tezenis proven above is absolutely fantastic. Price € 12.95

I then took a pashmina striped and floral fantasy in which I just love it very suitable with jeans and with my more casual clothing.

Price € 9.90

The other accessory that I have taken is a simple dark brown girdle made simply because I needed and not because he could not resist:

Price € 6.95

Passiamo poi alla maglietta che ho preso che era nella roba in saldo

Io la trovo adorabile e poi io amo le maglie con le stampe in generale.
Prezzo € 7

Passiamo ora all'unico acquisto fatto da Tezenis preso per abbinarlo alla collana. Devo dire che la collezione di questa primavera - estate di Tezenis è molto carina e anche li avrei preso più cose se le finanze me lo avessero permesso!!

Come potete do see is a tank long enough to be used with the leggings, I really like the color for the work that has on it with the lace makes it suitable for use not only sports but also slightly more "elegantino "It 's available in many colors.
Price € 9.90

Now I'll show you the shirts that I got from Jennifer, are around 4 and I liked it very much.

Price € 5

Price € 9

Price € 5 (the cost of the tag was wrong)

This mesh has several particularly nice as you can see. Price € 12

Here finished my shopping! As you can see I could buy a lot of little things on the cheap, total € 77.70. Sorry I have not found anything that I liked from Zara, it is surely gone now that the balances are almost finished, I can not pretend to who knows us but one thing I noticed about Zara is that after a while that the firm began pulling out of fashion 30 years ago that I did not like it. It is probably normal since being assaulted at the beginning balances will even sell something in the balance and then try to empty the stores!

What do you think? Do you like my purchase?

Hugs to all, Milly


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