Sunday, February 20, 2011

Alicia Rhodes Retired ?

Polpette al sugo in cocotte

For tasty dish of today I have the honor of presenting a company in producing great quality pan: THE CRUSET !
I love the Le Creuset cookware !
LE CREUSET enameled cast iron pans produce the highest quality since 1925 at its foundry, located in northern France.
Like us, Le Creuset makes no compromises when it comes to cooking, the only difference is that their ingredients are molten pig iron, steel and glass. Each piece is hand cast from a mold of sand, so it is unique. The liquid iron is poured into molds from a large cauldron called Creuset, enamelled and then tempered in the fire at very high temperatures to create a lasting finish and bright colors.
finish with glaze made of glass piece that covers everything, including the border, is extremely durable and hygienic, but also offers the widest flexibility of use per la conservazione e la preparazione del cibo (compresa la marinatura degli ingredienti) e la cottura. E' per questo che ho scelto le cocotte  LE CREUSET  per le polpette al sugo della mia cara Nonna Felicetta!!!
Per maggiori informazioni visitate il sito  cliccando qui !!!
Ecco la ricetta.

meatball ingredients:
  • 500 gr . minced meat (pork and beef mixed)
  • 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 clove garlic
  • a stale sandwich
  • a glass of milk
  • salt
  • pepper
  • parsley
  • 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
  • oil for frying
sauce ingredients:
  • 1 l. tomato puree Mutti
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • chili
  • salt
  • olive oil Column
  • nutmeg
  • a pinch of sugar (to remove the acidity)
  • 2 bay leaves
Mix the ground meat with bread crumbs, Parmesan, eggs, parsley and chopped garlic, pepper and salt . Put in a bowl to soak the bread pieces in milk, squeeze it and add it. Work
all until a smooth paste (if the dough is too soft, you can add a little more 'bread crumbs if too hard a little milk).
Prepare the meatballs the size you prefer.
Meanwhile finely chop the onion and brown with garlic in a casserole LE CREUSET; add the sauce and the rest of the 'sauce ingredients' and mix well.
Cook over medium heat for 2 hours.
half cooked, add the meatballs after they were fried in hot vegetable oil.
Served the meatballs are not too hot, otherwise you cooked with the sauce.

buoneeeeeeeee I am too!
LE CREUSET Thank you for your cooperation!


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