Sunday, February 6, 2011

Normal And Heavy Riflebarrel

Would you be my Valentine?

San Valentino. L'amore. Il rosso. I cuori che addobbano la città e le vetrine. I vestiti romantici e il profumo di rose. Una treccia morbida di capelli lunghi cade dolcemente su una scollatura elegante. I tacchi risuonano nel corridoio di casa pronti a varcarne la soglia. Un mazzo di fiori e un pacchettino ricordano che qualcuno ti ama.  Cenare in a restaurant that has changed its menu for the occasion can be an 'experience is not always pleasant, particularly for our finances.
Why, given the period of crisis, but we do not create a new tradition? After all, our priority is being with your loved one.
Let, then, to make an unusual expenditure by looking online special recipes and cooking dishes with new flavors. We learn to appreciate the art of the table and buy a new tablecloth, glasses elegantly decorated with taste and harmony on our table. Let's go to candles and wine to make us recommend a good wine. Organize an elegant evening, but low cost.
Let's enjoy the wine, music, tastes and our partners forgetting the annoying smell that too often we had to discard a Valentine's Day.


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