Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Congradulatİon For Baby

Cauliflower Pies with Nuts

I had a cauliflower and did not want to prepare in the usual manner, hackneyed, so I thought of a greedy and streamlined way for a vegetable that, yes, smells from the kitchen when you die, but after it can be loved by young and old, so no one will say more:
"What the hell are you prepared!" ^. ^
This is the recipe.

  • 1 cauliflower
  • 100 gr. Fontina
  • 100 gr. Gorgonzola
  • 100 gr. of cream cheese
  • 50 gr. grated Parmesan cheese
  • 40 gr. butter
  • 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
  • pastry
  • garlic powder
  • olive oil Column
  • salt
  • pepper
  • nutmeg
  • lemon juice
  • 4 tablespoons hazelnuts

Peel and wash the cauliflower, divide into florets and cook "al dente in lightly salted water or better yet, to prevent discards, steamed.
Drain, mash and season with olive oil, some lemon juice, salt, pepper, nutmeg and flakes of nuts and a sprinkle of garlic powder.
In a small bowl, mix the blue cheese and Swiss cheese, tie it with melted butter separately, add the cream cheese and Parmesan cheese, the sauce working vigorously with a wooden spoon to creamy.
Add the sauce to the cauliflower puree.
Take the pastry discs and implemented in line with the molds (Per muffin) buttered. Lie down on each of cauliflower and cheese fondue c ospargete with grated cheese and breadcrumbs. Place in preheated oven at 180 degrees to the gratin for 20 minutes.
Serve immediately, while the cheese is still dark, taking care not to damage the cakes.
* * *
For this recipe I used, among other things, the Microplane grater omaggiatami by Hills Cutlery ni, a company that g hanks to his laboratory and the skill and experience of the owners nell'affilare blades of any kind, (scissors, knives of all types, clippers, hair clippers, gouges calli etc. ..) is now a landmark a livello mondiale per privati e professionisti che vogliono acquistare strumenti efficienti ed estremamente taglienti.  
Per ulteriori informazioni visitate il sito !!!


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