Monday, February 21, 2011

Canon Telescope Adapter D60

Parmigiana di melanzane

luscious goodness This is my favorite dish! When a table is a good eggplant parmigiana there are nessuno!!!
Potrei anche mangiare tutta la teglia, per quanto ne sono golosa!
La ricetta è quella della mia cara nonna Felicetta (quindi tipicamente salentina)! 
E non vi dico quant'era profumata la sua casa durante la preparazione di questa delizia!!!
Ah, che ricordi... 
Ecco la ricetta.

eggplant Ingredients:
  • 500 gr. Eggplant
  • 150 gr. grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg
  • flour taste Molino Chiavazza
  • oil for frying
  • salt great taste
  • salt to taste
sauce Ingredients:
  • 1 l. tomato puree Mutti
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • chili
  • salt
  • olive oil Column
  • nutmeg
  • a pinch of sugar (to remove the acidity)
  • 2 bay leaves
Preparation sauce:

Finely chop the onion and brown all together 'garlic in a Le Creuset cocotte ; add the sauce and the rest of the 'sauce ingredients' and mix well.
Cook over medium heat for 2 hours.

Prepare eggplant:

Tick the eggplant , wash and cut into slices about 1 cm thick for the line length.
Put them in a colander, place them in layers and sprinkle each layer salt big.
remarry Let your eggplant for at least 1 hour, so they can expel a good part of the bitter liquid that characterizes them.
After this time, remove from bowl, rinse under running water and dry well.
then breaded eggplant with egg and then in flour.
then Prepare a pan with a little 'oil seeds, the friggeteci
eggplant until they are golden on both sides and let them dry on paper towels.
Grease a baking dish, sprinkle the bottom with a little 'sauce and place a layer of eggplant  sistemate una di fianco all'altra.
Versate un po' di salsa sulle  melanzane , stendendola uniformemente, e cospargete con un po' di p armigiano reggiano.
Tagliate a dadini la mozzarella  e distribuitene sulla salsa.
Ora preparate il secondo strato
 e continuate ricoprendole di sugo, poi di parmigiano e infine di mozzarella up the ingredients.
Remember that the last layer should be only tomato and parmesan cheese. Put
eggplant at 200 degrees for 40 minutes until the tomato not make the crust.


To make your parmigiana eggplant ; lighter you can grill the eggplant instead of frying: parmigiana is necessarily good, but definitely more "light".
* * * * * *

for this super recipe, I served on genuine products, as only MUTTI can realize!

The composition of ground , the abundant availability water and a favorable climate feeds into a lush production, while a careful selection of the best tomato varieties has made it even more tasty and nutritious food each harvest.
The type is the most cultivated round , with firm flesh.
E 'to pick a tomato ripe and fresh.
has a characteristic scent and its flavor is intense and sweet. The color red indicates a high concentration of lycopene : 

the powerful antioxidant, especially good for the diet every day.
MUTTI The fabulous company produces a large quantity of products ranging from past to the concentrate, from pulp to sauces, and lots of other goodies!
For more information, visit !
MUTTI Thanks for your cooperation!


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