Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Divert Telstra Home Phone

Difendiamo la bellezza, mettiamoci la faccia!!!

Ciao ragazze,
voglio farvi notare questa iniziativa promossa dalla rivista Vanity fair, io ho partecipato...fatelo anche voi :D

Ecco la descrizione initiative:
" In collaboration with Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2011, the event world leader in aesthetic and spa, perfumery and cosmetics, hair, nails and packaging Vanity Fair launches" Put the face, "an initiative to support, through fundraising, association ONLUS Smileagain, committed to improving the living conditions of women in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal victims of injuries caused by the acid.
Vanity Fair, in conjunction with Cosmoprof, wants to help victims recover their beauty and invites all women to participate in the "Put Take the "upload a photo-portrait on the website of Vanity, you can join the gallery of friends and Smileagain, publishing at least a thousand, you can contribute to the reconstruction of the face of one of the victims. Vanity Fair and Cosmoprof In fact, devote a significant contribution to the facial reconstruction of one victim: 10 € in the name of each person who will participate in the initiative "Put a Face".

For more information and to participate go here !

A hug,



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