Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sayings For An Engagement Cards

Costine di maiale con patate, al forno

What these exquisite pork ribs with potatoes! If I had my cook in the oven, but this piatto è davvero unico! Croccante fuori e tenerissimo dentro! Ottimo come secondo per una cena con gli amici, perchè accontenta tutti i palati!
Ecco la ricetta.

  • 8 costine di maiale
  • 8 patate
  • rosmarino
  • sale
  • pepe
  • olio d'oliva
  • white wine
  • garlic
Put the pork chops in a baking pan. Meanwhile, peel potatoes and cut into chunks. Arrange them in the same pan with the ribs. Add salt and pepper, put the rismarino and garlic and drizzle with olive oil. Let stand a few minutes. Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven, turn the ribs and put everything in the oven for 30 minutes. Serve hot.

What Pure goodness!


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