Monday, February 28, 2011

How Many Types Of Vicodin Pills


Working 15 hours a day. Do not have a clue when you'll end up when you eat, when you get home. Feel my legs that hurt by dint of walking and standing. Wait hours on the street in the cold waiting to get backstage. When you come in and look for the model who is assigned to you can be tough: your dark circles, which were formed after a series of nights that you sleep less, they seem even worse when compared with his face clean, well-rigged and absolutely perfect ; girl giraffe watching you from above and that, if you're lucky, it makes you a half-smile.
After a few cocktail parties and, after talking to many people and have found some with which you'd rather not talk, after days when I seemed to live in a parallel world (the only contact the reality was the bed in the METRO route to different locations of shows), I can not wait to finish everything. Alviero Martini Tomorrow will be the last show for me. Then I can finally sleep, eat real food and be quiet at least some '...

Amy Gee dinner party   

Blood Cleaning And Gum Ulcers

Business: Honda Jazz Hybrid - Price and Consumption

Urban Consumption km / l 21.7, extra urban mpg 22.7 combined mpg 22.2; C02 g / km 104. These benefits, in terms of consumption, the new Honda Jazz Hybrid (Hybrid): a good news, given the increases in the price of petrol and diesel! Honda
Italy, has introduced its new range of Jazz that also includes hybrid model, with two engines, one electric and one gas station that "work" together. The electric motor of 14 horsepower, goes into action to support the 1.3 petrol engine (88 hp), in particular circumstances: as in the case of a departing or overtaking. Even at low speeds only the electrical work, of course, saving gasoline and not polluting at all. Then when the car decelerating into action the device to recharge the battery.

For the rest of the novelties introduced across the range MY2011 Jazz are the same for all models, redesigned bumpers and graphics projectors, new fabrics and colors, modified suspension settings further enhance ride comfort. The Hybrid departs from the rest of the range for some aerodynamic refinements that have helped lower the Cd from 0.336 to 0.330. The battery pack is placed under the load floor, does not involve drastic changes in their load capacity.
For those looking electric cars - hybrid - ecologically and economically able to guarantee energy savings, sustainable mobility and less air pollution. The price? Between 18 and 20 thousand euro depending on the version.

For more info goto the official minisite:
Marketing Hybrid Cars: Honda Jazz Hybrid - Price and Consumption

Like I Have Water In My Ear

Rustic cake alle erbe, salame e fontina

One of things I love most of Pugliese cuisine is the abundance of vegetables! Why in the south, many years ago, meat meal was 'the rich' and peasants could not afford a flat mica so expensive. So women have worked in the kitchen at a good pace in order to bring their treasures to the table prepared in the garden ways more varied and succulent.
The real ingredient 'Southerner' today (I like to use this term, in order to emphasize the attachment to my country and products that come from it) and chicory .
Questa è una pianta selvatica dal gusto amarognolo ricca di proprietà medicinali, le cui foglie vengono servite fresche in insalata oppure stufate e appassiste per accompagnare purè di fave ed altre pietanze tipiche.
Questa 'rustic cake' è perfetta come piatto di mezzo, completa e gustosa! Fa bella figura anche su un buffet ed è adattissima ad un brunch, pic nic o merenda. E le infinite varianti che si possono immaginare per declinarla la rendono altamente personalizzabile e adatta ad ogni stagione e occasione.
  • 250 gr. di farina 00  Chiavazza
  • 200 ml. di latte
  • 2 uova
  • 50 gr. di burro
  • 100 gr. di salame  Food Farm
  • 100 gr. fontina
  • 50 gr. parmigiano grattugiato
  • 1 cucchiaino di sale
  • olio d'oliva  Colonna
  • peperoncino
  • 1 spicchio d'aglio
  • 1 bustina di lievito istantaneo per torte salate
  • 1 cucchiaino di sale
  • 1 cespo di cicoriella selvatica
In a bowl mix for good eggs, milk and melted butter. Gradually add the sifted flour and baking powder. Add the grated Parmesan cheese, salt and mix to make a smooth mixture.
Put in greased mold plum oil, sprinkle with grated Parmesan on the surface and bake at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes.
Meanwhile, clean and wash the chicory and sauté in a pan with some oil, pepper, garlic. Drain any liquid.
When Rustic Cake is cooked, sfornatela and let cool for a few minutes, then divide it in half in two lengthwise and fill with slices of salami, cheese and dried chicory previously.
put it back in the oven for 5 minutes and serve hot food.

E' una vera delizia per il palato!!!

Ah, dimenticavo...
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'Le ricette dell'Amore Vero'!!!

Soccer Prediction Software Chinese

"Urge" consiglio!!!!!!!!

Hello girls,
are about to make an order to the Mac for my set of brushes that I have to take the course for make-up, and then of course since it uses 40% discount card from a friend of the Mac Pro take something else .... right But two little things;)

Here comes the time when I need your help! I was a long time since I'd like Satin Taupe in color because I find it very special and unique, but with all that I am spending between current, set brushes and more is better if I try to reduce my bones ... so here's the wishlist My question: Is there a

dupe the faithful Mac Satin Taupe ??????

await your advice ...

A big kiss, Milly

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy For Kidney Infection

Review blush linea Studio di Elf

Hello girls, dedicated to blush
other reviews ... this time I am speaking of two new purchases made by Elf and two blush Studio line, the Candid Coral and Fuchsia Fusion.

left Candid Coral - a right Fuchsia Fusion
The packaging is nice and simple. The package outside a convenient window to view color while inside has a mirror so small that it is really useless in my opinion ... they could also avoid putting it!

The Candid Coral is a fishing microglitter inside of it is one of my favorite blush because 'one aspect really natural and healthy. I noticed however that with my complexion in general are the best blush color pesca più che quelli rosa.

Il Fuchsia Fusion è un rosa acceso con microglitter, una volta steso non risulta molto forte ed è abbastanza naturale. Questo rispetto all'altro colore tende a sfarinare un po'.

Ed ora ecco gli swatches dei due blush:

Purtroppo nella foto non si vedono benissimo i colori...

Vi saluto con un abbraccio,


French Words And Phrases

Marmellata di mandarini, arance rosse e mandorle

It 's a true delicacy and my dear grandmother was really Felicetta
a master at preparing it.
filled the house with that scent of fruit!
Here is the recipe.
  • 1 kg. mandarin
  • 2 blood oranges
  • 500 gr. sugar cane sugar Waves of
  • a glass of water
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 10 toasted almonds
Peel the tangerines and oranges and remove the cuticle, the white parts
and seeds in a container, not to disperse the juice of the fruit.
Let steep for two hours, mandarins with all the sugar in the bowl to bake (I used a casserole Le Creuset ).
Pour the almonds with a glass of boiling water and
let simmer for an hour or more, depending on the desired consistency.

Serve with a slice of homemade bread,
will be a healthy and tasty snack, especially for children!
* * * * *
for this wonderful recipe I used brown sugar Waves of Sugar , to company which intends to enhance and disseminate knowledge from the various sources of sugar cane, and for this reason selected with skill passion for us and the Grand Cru.

Through their experience and careful research of the best and most representative products of the sub-tropical areas wishing offer a unique and complete range of raw sugar cane for us to appreciate the many characteristics which distinguish the different sources. A deep experience in the sugar sector, a strong ability to innovate products and packaging, maximum flexibility in meeting the needs of an increasingly more demanding and a deep knowledge of the world production of sugar cane have allowed Figli di Pinin Pero belong to the leadership of the sector. For more info visit !
* * * * *
With this recipe I participate in the contest

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nice Message For Baby Card

Review blush edizione limitata "Siberian Flowers" by Kiko

Ciao ragazze,
approfittando dei saldi un mesetto fa' ho acquistato questo blush Kiko della limited edition Siberian Flowers:

 Il packaging è molto carino e la confezione è racchiusa, come tutta la linea Siberian Flowers, in un astuccio in velluto beige:

la confezione è dorata con uno strass a forma di goccia:

All'interno è presente un ampio specchio abbastanza comodo e il blush è abbastanza grande, la quantità infatti è di 7 grammi.

The color I chose is the No. 06 Rich Cosmopolitan very intense with a fuchsia and gold veins on the inside microglitter but these are very delicate. We must be careful when using it to dosarlo because those now very much and you risk looking like a clown!

Here's the swatches made with very little product:

I find it very nice if a little '"strong" ... but some days I just seem to be a bit' more Heidi)

I recommend this blush because I like and have a good time .... I've also stayed counting and blush when I woke up it was still there!

A hug, Milly

Birthday And Baptismal At The Same Day

Shopping fine saldi

Hello girls,
yesterday finally after nearly 2 years of abstinence I have given a little 'shopping the streets of Cagliari. I finally managed to go to the famous Pimkie which opened a few months ago, in another shop of a French chain called Jennyfer , this has just opened and not even know the 'existence, from Zara and Tezenis . I must say that Pimkie Jennifer and I finally found my two favorite stores in assoluto in cui avrei comprato (e non lo dico per esagerare) tutta la collezione per intero!!!! Mannaggia ai soldi limitati!!!!!

Ora vi faccio vedere i miei acquisti, partendo dagli accessori presi da Pimkie. Il primo è questa favolosa collana che appena ho visto è come se una calamita la attirasse alle mie mani e non si è più staccata fino alla cassa ;) Ecco le foto prese dal sito dato che con la mia fotocamera non riuscivo a farla vedere bene:

Io la trovo assolutamente favolosa....indossata with a mesh to a single color under the very rich look. I took it a beige tank top and then from Tezenis proven above is absolutely fantastic. Price € 12.95

I then took a pashmina striped and floral fantasy in which I just love it very suitable with jeans and with my more casual clothing.

Price € 9.90

The other accessory that I have taken is a simple dark brown girdle made simply because I needed and not because he could not resist:

Price € 6.95

Passiamo poi alla maglietta che ho preso che era nella roba in saldo

Io la trovo adorabile e poi io amo le maglie con le stampe in generale.
Prezzo € 7

Passiamo ora all'unico acquisto fatto da Tezenis preso per abbinarlo alla collana. Devo dire che la collezione di questa primavera - estate di Tezenis è molto carina e anche li avrei preso più cose se le finanze me lo avessero permesso!!

Come potete do see is a tank long enough to be used with the leggings, I really like the color for the work that has on it with the lace makes it suitable for use not only sports but also slightly more "elegantino "It 's available in many colors.
Price € 9.90

Now I'll show you the shirts that I got from Jennifer, are around 4 and I liked it very much.

Price € 5

Price € 9

Price € 5 (the cost of the tag was wrong)

This mesh has several particularly nice as you can see. Price € 12

Here finished my shopping! As you can see I could buy a lot of little things on the cheap, total € 77.70. Sorry I have not found anything that I liked from Zara, it is surely gone now that the balances are almost finished, I can not pretend to who knows us but one thing I noticed about Zara is that after a while that the firm began pulling out of fashion 30 years ago that I did not like it. It is probably normal since being assaulted at the beginning balances will even sell something in the balance and then try to empty the stores!

What do you think? Do you like my purchase?

Hugs to all, Milly