Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Is Central Annular Tear Of L3/4 Disc?

Drinking Water - Filter Jugs & Filters Work? Hybrid Cars

Recent years have witnessed a boom in real systems, more or less expensive, which should improve the quality of drinking water that comes from the taps at home. We are talking about systems with filters and purification of the cheapest water filter jug. And the obligatory question is: do they work?

Well, the answer is between no and ni, at least according to the consumers association Altroconsumo who performed tests on the best products on the market. In summary, the benefit is almost nil, with serious risk of worsening the situation if the filters, or pitcher plants are not subject to maintenance rather than manic. So better to drink tap water as it is!

Altroconsumo To read what it says about these "green products" click on the link below:
Drinking Water - Filter Jugs & Filters Work?


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