Saturday, March 5, 2011

Rapcore Nu Metal Bands

Mozzarelline filanti

When his grandmother Felicetta we prepared these delicacies, we grandchildren were in seventh heaven! We could not wait for lunch and we always ended just fried!
few days ago, buying the mozzarella, I have come to mind the smells of my childhood never forgotten
the frying pan full of oil, smells that were spread to the kitchen, it strikes me, hands, calmly, passing from egg to breadcrumbs, fun, almost as if the grandmother had turned into a girl messing fun!
was always a chance for me to get to grandmother's house while still getting ready to eat. Made me keeper of shameful secrets, to which only she and I could have access.
A simple pleasure for young and old, those made brown clouds and streamers!
Here is the recipe.

  • 250 gr. of mozzarella
  • 1 egg
  • salt
  • pepper
  • flour taste Chiavazza
  • breadcrumbs to taste
  • oil for frying
Drain the mozzarella from the liquid storage a few minutes putting them in a colander, then dry them well with paper towels.
Purée them in the flour, then lightly salt and pepper into the beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs, repeat the process twice.
Heat oil in large frying pan and fry the mozzarella for about five minutes, until 'become beautiful golden, lay them on paper towel to remove excess oil and serve hot.

are golosissimeeeeee!


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