Thursday, March 3, 2011

Epiphone Casino Left Handed

Pancakes con miele, granella di mandorle e cannella

This morning I wanted to cuddle, so I thought of a sweet and cozy breakfast:
I made of mouth-watering Pancakes!
The pancake is a traditional dish for the American breakfast.
The traditional recipe involves the use of butter, flour, milk, sugar and eggs, but I I've added some tasty ingredients that I think goes very well with honey, crushed almonds and cinnamon.
Here is the recipe.

for 8 pancakes Ingredients:
  • 150 gr. milk
  • 100 gr. flour Chiavazza
  • 1 egg
  • 40 gr. butter
  • 5 gr. of baking powder for cakes
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
  • cinnamon
  • a jar of honey Sant ' Agata
  • 50 gr. toasted almonds
In a bowl, beat the sugar with the egg, milk and melted butter. S etacciate flour and baking powder, add salt, cinnamon and mix and force all to obtain a homogeneous mixture and let stand for one hour.
Heat a frying pan (I use a special plate for pancakes) on low heat (otherwise the mixture is burned out and remain raw inside) and pour two tablespoons of batter (which will be expanded from only) and cook on both sides until golden.
Garnish each pancake with honey and almonds chopped into granules.
* * * * * *
for these delicious pancakes I used the greedy Sant'Agata Honey!
Miele Sant'Agat a è una piccola realtà artigiana nata recentemente a Palazzo del Pero (Arezzo) dalla passione per le api e la natura. L'azienda offre  prodotti genuini di produzione locale quali i vari tipi di miele (acacia, castagno, melata, girasoli, millefiori), propoli, polline, cera oltreché prodotti selezionati di qualità come cosmetici e caramelle, cioccomiele, nocciomiele, mandormiele.
Devo assolutamente ricordare anche le proprietà benefiche del miele, the oral cavity, throat, stomach and intestines, help dispose of toxic antibacterial activity of the intestine and plays terrific.
What are you waiting? Visit !
Honey Sant'Agata Thank you for your cooperation!
* * * *
With this recipe I participate in the contest


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