Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sample Wedding Powerpoint Templates

Profiteroles au Chocolat

'Love, how sweet you want for your birthday?' I asked a Nut, happy at the thought of preparing for something that he really wanted.
'I like to eat the profiteroles with chocolate!'
Full of energy, I started work, and, after buying everything you need, I began to realize that goodness!
Here is the recipe.
  • 80 gr. flour Chiavazza
  • 150 ml. Water
  • 50 gr. butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 gr. dark chocolate (I used milk)
  • 300 ml. cream
  • 1 / 2 cup milk
  • 70 gr. sugar
Put water in a saucepan (I used to Pomilla Illa) , butter and a pinch of salt. Once you reach the boil, remove it from the fire. Add the flour and beat well with a whisk the mixture for several minutes. The mass comes away from the edges and form a ball. Let cool and add eggs.
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper (I used the silicone pad Pedrini). With the help of a 'sac a few' lying the mixture on the pan, taking care to separate it into small piles of a spoonful each. Bake for 25-30 minutes.
apart, break the chocolate into small pieces and put them in a saucepan to melt in a water bath. Then add 100 ml. cream and milk. Stir until a smooth cream.
Whip the remaining cream and sugar to prepare the filling.
After cooking cupcakes, fill with the cream and seal. Sprinkle with cream, d isponeteli carefully forming a pyramid in a dish and let cool in refrigerator. Serve cold.

Fantastically fantastic !!!!! ^. ^
* * * *

For this recipe I used to Pomilla ILLA !
This company consists of qualified and dynamic, with strong technical skills and a thorough knowledge about the product. ILLA Born in Langport (Parma), which for over 60 years produces tools for the kitchen. His trademark has always been synonymous with innovation and renewal.
Two key features: Fully MADE IN ITALY and attractive and functional.
Each tool ILLA - synonymous with functionality, reliability, durability and elegance - is designed and manufactured with the same passion and the enthusiasm of those who cook every day for themselves and their loved ones. ILLA today uno dei principali nomi del “Made in Italy” nel settore dei casalinghi, apprezzato e richiesto in tutto il mondo.
I prodotti di cui l'azienda mi ha gentilmente omaggiata sono:
Per maggiori informazioni visitate il sito  www.illa.com !!!
Personalmente ho deciso di sostenere il loro progetto ILLA for people - APE Onlus .
Do you too, click on the banner ----->>


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