Friday, March 11, 2011

Graves Disease And Bleeding After Menopause

Tranci di crostata con marmellata di ciliegie

Vi confesso che, mentre vi scrivo, sono sul divano a gustarmi dei tranci di crostata con marmellata tra i più golosi mai provati in vita mia! 
Li avevo assaggiati a casa di Anna, la mamma del mio Amore.
In realtà non erano nemmeno destinati a noi: li aveva realizzati per portarli the Sunday lunch the next day, with her sisters and their husbands.
"I have commissioned this tart, why do I say that very well! Assaggiane a steak and tell me what you think ..."
Needless to say, I lick the lips ": simply awesome!
I could not place it among the delicious recipes in my kitchen of true love.
Thank you very much, Anna!
Here is the recipe.

worked on a pastry flour, sugar, salt,
butter soft pieces and add the beaten eggs a little earlier;
mix until the mixture is homogeneous, but not too dense (not smooth), as if you create the scraps of dough between your hands.
Let the dough rest in refrigerator for half an hour, wrapped in a film.
Take a baking pan and line with parchment paper.
Take back the dough and divide it into two parts: Hang both the thickness of 1 / 2 cm. and lay one of the two sides on parchment paper.
Pour into jam and cover with the other party.
Bake at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.


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