Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tablets For A Chest Infection

Spaghetti al nero di seppia con tranci di sgombro e capperi

I love the sea and its fruits.
I spent my childhood in Porto Selvaggio, a wonderful nature reserve Salento, which presents a complex of cultural, natural, scenic beauty and a very extraordinary fact diving. (Click here for more info ).
As a child I have always appreciated everything that the nature of the earth and the sea gave me, my parents have always taught to eat everything, even what is commonly to children do not like, so Mediterranean diet have a varied and balanced. That's why I really love the fish!
Yesterday morning I had taken a great desire to sea, so I decided to create a dish that would satisfy me without weighing it down too.
This recipe is in fact the result of healthy foods and natural mixed: the final taste is delicious!
Here's how to prepare .

  • 300 gr. Spaghetti with black di seppia  SudAlimenta
  • 5 cucchiai d'olio d'oliva  Colonna
  • 200 gr. di tranci di sgombro
  • sale
  • paprika dolce
  • origano
  • prezzemolo
  • 1 spicchio d'aglio
  • 10 capperi piccoli
  • pangrattato
Fate soffriggere uno spicchio d'aglio con l'olio e versatevi i tranci di sgombro a pezzetti, i capperi e fate cuocere a fuoco moderato per qualche minuto. Aggiungete paprika, origano, sale, e il prezzemolo tritato a crudo.
A parte fate bollire l'acqua in una pentola dove cuocerete gli spaghetti al dente; versateli nel sugo. Spolverate con un cucchiaio di pangrattato e mantecate sul fuoco.
Impiattate e servite. 

there licking their chops! ^. ^


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