Monday, January 24, 2011

My Neighbors Dryer Interferes With My Tv

Me, my glasses & I


Accomplices unfortunate coincidences and my temper that always keeps me on edge, no longer tolerate contact lenses. All the doctors I contacted (I think that has stopped the diagnosis of the first?) Gave un verdetto unanime: salutare le mie amate lenti a contatto e inforcare gli occhiali.
Tutti quelli che incontro mi dicono "Hai l'aria sbattuta". Io sorrido e replico: "Sono gli occhiali che mi danno un'aria severa e triste". Informazione di servizio: il prossimo che mi incontra può evitare di dirmelo? Si risparmia le mie lamentele.
Demoralizzata, accendo il pc e scopro che l' 88% degli italiani ha problemi alla vista (soprattutto a causa del computer). Che sollievo.
Camminando per strada il mio sguardo inizia ad incrociarsi con quello di altre che, come me, sopportano il peso della montatura. Della serie " So come ci si sente, siamo solidali".
I decided to react and not be passive: a pair of glasses will not stop!
I look for a frame-perfect: not too much subject to fashion, but not trivial. I bring with me my trusted advisors and hold hostage the optician to get more opinions. They agree on the frame. The optician said that his wife has taken the same. I look back and realize that I was wrong advisor. I am convinced, then smear the paper.
I do not confine to only these. If I have to be Goldeneye that might as well be in a more refined way. If one has a defect should exploit to his advantage and make it a boast. The frame enters arrogance among the accessories that complete the look. Strong spirit of my new do research and ... Look who I found? Celebrities who wear glasses and do not lose their beauty. If they do not wear them because I do that?
Megan Fox
Jennifer Aniston

Alyssa Milano
Chloe Sevigny
Hilary Duff
Jenny McCarthy
Linsday Lohan


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