Sunday, January 9, 2011

Melbourne Female Doctors


Venturing for a new city, you know, it is not easy, but the best advice I can give is to not blindly follow routes offered by the guides. Getting up in the morning woke up at 7, take a quick breakfast, rushing down the street because "otherwise there is a row at the Museum" or "otherwise we lose too much time because we have 15 hours to see the exhibition of Tom X and Y have the time to 18 for the statue of Caius, "does not sound like a relaxing holiday, right? Take it easy is the best way to enjoy a holiday. Stop complaining that "at the breakfast buffet is not even the espresso and croissants," and as a desperate search for a local face cast, but then complain that the coffee is not like the Italian, "is water," nn is the best attitude to enjoy a holiday. The Express migliore lo berrete solo in Italia. La pasta migliore si mangia in Italia. Se non siete in grado di privarvi di una dose di caffeina concentrata e cairboidrati abbondantemente conditi, state a casa. Per favore. Altrimenti fate venire l'orticaria a quanti vi ascoltano. 
Uscire dal vostro hotel e lasciarvi trasportare dall'ispirazione del momento; seguite la massa di gente e vedete dove va; prendete la metro senza una specifica destinazione; sedetevi in un caffè a chiacchierare per un po' mettendo via quella dannata cartina che i turisti hanno in mano dal momento dell'atterraggio al momento della partenza e che non mollano mai, nemmeno a cena. Solo così potete assaporare la città che state visitando, il paese where you are. Let us be honest when you return home will not remember more than seeing the statue of Tom ("Tom chiiiii?" You say after a couple of months of your return), but you will remember the elegant little place where you have tasted the delicious local dish or goodness of apple pie you've tasted the atmosphere or on the street.
This here is a mini guide to enjoy food & shopping in Stockholm:
GAMLA STAN: How many of you do not have a mother-grandmother-aunt-neighbor who asks you a souvenir of the holiday? A magnet? A cup? An ashtray with bandiera del paese annessa? Gamla Stan è la zona ideale per comprare souvenirs e per concedersi una sosta nei meravigliosi Caffè.

Södermalm: zona ideale per shopping giovane, bohemien, proposte raffinate e meno commerciali, vintage.

City : la zona commerciale per eccellenza. Ovunque lo sguardo possa arrivare troverete un negozio H&M; è in ogni via, in ogni angolo, onnipresente. La City è invasa da centri commerciali tra i quali Åhléns City, PUB , Gallerian etc. che propongono and other traditional and popular brand made in Sweden. You'll be spoiled for choice. I would highly recommend a stroll from ACNE STUDY head to buy some of this brand made in Stockholm.

Food : Let delight and spicy flavors of cinnamon, sweet potatoes and meatballs elk, salmon accompanied by sweet and sour sauces.

you soon!


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