Wednesday, January 19, 2011

L-tryptophan Cipralex

Review palette I-divine Sleek: Storm, Sunset, Good Sparkle Girl and

Today I want to show the 4 palette of sleek I'm satisfied and referred to 3000% (exaggerated ????).
All blades are the same on the outside and I must say that the packaging is very solid and difficult to break, look like this:

One of these pallets I won the contest's comments Marguerite N. some time ago and the Storm, here are the pictures:

pretty colors natural and very beautiful, excellent sealing without primer. Shimmer are all but the last two in the lower right that are matte.

Now I show you the Sunset:

This palette is nothing short of fabulous ... especially perfect for summer with its colors for the most part and very hot summer, this palette also has excellent pigmentation and duration. E 'consists of all colors shimmer.

Now is the time of the Good Girl:

This palette was a discovery in meaning that to see it so I did not like great but having arrived from Sephora shortly after they had sold the last Bad Girl (I cried for hours for this), I wanted so much, I could not go away empty-handed without spending anything and then I bought it thinking that than I would have used as a blush. Testing it I must say that is not bad and that even if the colors all look the same then put on him are really cute and different from each other, I can just do a trick with this palette, and if I get something decent you post a photo. Like other
palette too has a very good pigmentation and duration. Let us now turn to the last

palette of my mini collection, Sparkle:

This palette was a limited edition Christmas, almost all are glittery eyeshadows but the last two in the lower right that shimmer and glitter, but without the black mat that is, although I must specify that their glitter eye shadows fly away easily and do not stay long, however I have yet to try using them wet to see if the glitter stay longer. However, all the colors in the palette I like very much and is very suitable for holiday periods. Like the other eye shadow palette with excellent pigmentation e durata.

La mia review è finita, ora sono in attesa del codice sconto promesso da sleek per chi come me non era riuscita a portare a buon fine l'ordine nelle fatidiche giornate di Novembre. Appena avrò il codice mi aggiudicherò le restanti palette della collezione.
Una nota dolente la devo fare per il sito ufficiale  Sleek Make up  che proprio a causa della promozione con il codice sconto del 50% credo abbia perso tantissime clienti. Molte di voi come me avranno perso tempo dietro all'azienda che non ha saputo gestire minimamente la situazione difficile che si è creata e non ha fornito a parer mio la giusta assistenza anche tramite la loro pagina Facebook; a me personalmente la referente dell'azienda This page Italian teasing me feel confident about the success of my order and then tell me that instead of only long after the outcome was negative. Now you may wonder why then expect the discount code to purchase directly from them and I'll explain: I believe that their behavior not correct I would not want to bring to any order from them but I believe that the quality of these products is very high and since I still prefer to buy all palettes at a cost of € 4.25 and so take them all. Certainly after maximizing the discount will not buy more directly from their site but much more reliable sites such as Madame Cosmetics that in the days before Christmas, having made the order on December 20 sent me the order in just four days giving me the opportunity to not give anyone my friend the late gift.

Now I greet you and I hope to do another review soon as they are waiting for an order Zoeva,

a hug, Milly


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