Saturday, November 20, 2010

Marriage Wisheswordings

♥ ♥ I'm very happy;)

Hello girls ...
for quick post to share a thing that made me so happy ... I won the competition's blog Marguerite N. !! This picture of prizes:

are not beautiful ??????????? As soon as I feel good .... I review them there are also overjoyed because there is only one sleek palette I wanted over the other two and that I did not order because I had to write a set with the costs already crazy products and Madina Milano, Layla Astra and I've never tried and I was curious to try it ....... so much better than that !!!!!

So what about .... again thanks to Marguerite N. for this competition .... go see his blog if you have not already done so because it is very nice and well cared for!!

A big kiss, Milly


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