Friday, April 24, 2009

Distance From Sringeri To Horanadu

keep reading! Strange houses

I'm dedicating two readings, I think a big thing, or maybe even I do not think it's so great about this. Write what I think many times eliminates most of the concepts , the very essence of thought, but I can not help but write a few. Perhaps because of ego staff. But in the fund with a vision of my life, everything is ego. We live for ourselves filled with ego. Everything we do for good or bad is just to get attention from people. After all who is so good as to talk of self , even after his death, he succeeded in the main purpose of our lives.
Here, as usual, I dwell in speeches that I had in mind to write, (or maybe I wanted to write them?) I'm asking many questions, and it is good, but very few can give me answers, which makes me happy because it means that for quite some time I think of that!


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