Friday, December 4, 2009

Thymus Cancer Ribbon Color

How fucking time eh? Hidden Truth

Non sarò mancato a nessuno tranne che a me stesso, il che mi stà pure bene. Sono bloccato tra corsi universitari e quant'altro, che però non giustifica la mia completa assenza per mesi. Diciamolo non ha molto senso scrivere se non si ha davvero niente da dire. La cosa bella è che io cosa di dire ogni tanto ne ho, ma la voglia manca.
Mi stò preparando psicologicamente per la tesi di laurea, ho un'idea per cercare di gettare le basi a nuovi studi e rivalutazioni sul fumetto, in Italia in particolare, sperando che possa avere un posto di maggior rilievo in molti istituti pubblici.
Oramai dire che si va in fumetteria fa pensare alle persone che nonostante tu abbia 20 anni o più child was six, which go in comics is not like going to the library, if you do not go out with a classic or a brick of a book which, moreover, most people have never even peeled but has settled well in library gathering dust if all goes well, you have no culture.
because basically this is the comic for the vast majority of people, primarily in Italy, namely the lack of culture, something made for kids, something that has no real value, that those who took the field can not be seriously. Try going into a
bilbioteca've never seen a comic book? Ever seen a Manara ? A Crepax ? Or a Serpieri ? Frezzato ? Questo per citare dei colossi. Provate a chiedere a un qualsiasi studioso d'arte pittorica se ne ha forse sentito parlare mai di uno di loro. Eppure sono talenti che tutto il mondo ci invidia, che ci "rubano". E ho fatto nomi di grandi disegnatori, che poi è sempre stato un termine che mi ha sempre dato fastidio, prescinde da tutto quello che in realtà è il termine disegnatore.
Una volta la mia ex professoressa (fortunatamente) di Arte propose di andare al Comicon , mi sono detto che forse anche lei ne conosce di questa materia, che non si basa solo sulla pittura classica ma si affaccia anche su questa contemporanea. Questo è stato il mio primo pensiero, per essere subito sostituito con l'idea che invece non understand a shit about anything and he wanted a day off. He compared a cartoonist who drew the figurines of fertility, with only a roof and more vibrant colors (the name of this artist can not remember the least), with Milo Manara.
indicative of how he had said the first name in case he had read the brochure.
Well I'm sick of all this and much more and if I succeed I will make a thesis on this. The comic has had and has a great influence in many fields, and is now putting it into light.

Friday, September 4, 2009

New Panasonic‎ Pro Avchd Camcorders

I'm back for some time but now I have gobbled up studies, as well as starving eat a slice of turkey Thanksgiving (what?). In any case, just back from vacation, I had the first blow, and I say this not to smebrare area facing too vulgar. John Doe, my favorite comic closes all made in Italy. New CEO said the euro has to stop several magazines, including the legendary JD, probably one of the comic that brought a new air. Now closed, perhaps verlo known before it would change many things, maybe everything would be finished with the third season, he would have left a bitter taste, but fuck, it would be a final choice by the same authors and I would have appreciated. Instead, so all of a sudden we say: Well
the fourth season started and now I the close ok?
Now the authors have in a few draft a final number is not provided. Really dell'Eur
leaders believe that this will have no consequences? They believe that their is a smart move? I do not think they know the anger of the readers of comics, as far as I rigurda try to avoid, since the last issue of JD on, whatever is Eura, and as I believe many other readers will resent how they were treated the writers, designers, and ourselves.

The video was posted on facebook from Carnival, watch it.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Paint Shop Pro Call Corel


I am going to 7 days, I will not fail, I do not miss.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sharking Japanese Women

meaning of life

Want to know the meaning of life? Want to know what comes after life?
Like many people before and even after you have done or will do, you have faced the typical questions of life, who we are, where we go etc etc, all this shit here.
Well I'm sorry but the sense of illusion in my life I found it a long time ago, and it is very simple, we do not live for something larger (as is often turning up afcebook quesat phrase used by the winner of that fool GF), Nua is real shit, we live to live, we are catapulted into a world without being questioned se volevamo o meno venirci, facciamo una vita che nella maggior parte dei casi ci darà solo problemi. Beh il nostro unico scoop su questa terra è l'ego, vivere e riempirci di ego, abbiamo bisogno continuamente di far vedere chi siamo, ce siamo bravi a fare certe cose, facciamo tutto per sentirci dire quanto siamo bravi, e ci gongoliamo di questo. Non abbiamo che questo scopo nella vita. Oltretutto mi dispiace , ma non c'è nessun aldilà, perchè dovrebbe esserci? C'è un Dio, ma secondo me lui in realtà è il Caos, colui che ha creato la vita. Basta mi sono rotto questo non mi dà soddisfazione ora.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How Long Off Work With Kidney Infection


Created by OnePlusYou

Friday, June 26, 2009

Software Emulator Safenet

Just two little words fast. There's already too many people talk about it.
Like it or not is a great loss for everyone. There were those who did and who did not. But no one can doubt about his talent and his charisma, always able to gassing the people!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Spider Blade- Misty Mundae 2

only two words I have in mind a long time ago

I ... I was wondering if in the near future, almost certainly, you can upload data to the head of Matrix. In short, connect electrodes to the brain and to make that fit in our mind the data. Imagine the consequences.
No more schools, you should not più studiare, si saprà tutto praticamente in un niente. Avanzamento tecnologico ai massimi livelli, visto che ognuno potrà attingere ai più disparati campi di studio per trovare una soluzione. In ogni caso sembra che tutto vada per il meglio no? Insomma come staranno le cose? Civiltà utopica, tutti sanno tutto, niente più bisogno di lavorare, in sintesi una civiltà simile a quella di Silver surfer nelle sue origini , scritto da Stan Lee . Nel mondo di Silver non c'è più voglia di esplorare si è persa la voglia di andare oltre.
Secondo me il vero problema della conoscenza "totale" sarebbe, quasi andasse contro a ciò, depletion of the brain, the famine of thinking, dreaming, we lose the desire of knowledge, being able to access this too easily. Normal
not want something that can be accessed easily, and what is forbidden, entices us hard, just remember Adam and Eve and the apple (even if on purpose apple is even in this case knowledge).
The beauty of books, art and culture in total, it is the enjoyment that she gets once you understand what we were studying.
Being able to easily access all the information limit, if not negate entirely, the enjoyment of the highest achievement of the knowledge of a thing. Best thing of all is that a time you reach the maximum of knowledge of a subject, this matter has not been fully discovered, evolves and changes, it becomes something else, brings more questions, it becomes other subjects, covering other roles.
The atom at the time of the Greeks had developed a theory philosophy today? Today ago part of science. The science of the Enlightenment sought to separate from his personal life, to become something more than mere sentiment, or perceives as the singularity, to watch the community, or rather, the universality of the processes. It was a step obliged, but today science always tends to fall more in that field "private" in their perceptions of each of us tries to join philosophy and humanities implementing their reasoning applies to the mechanisms of nature. I went outside
speech but it was important to clarify many of these things.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Can Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Warts


I'm sorry you do not post frequently, but the exams completely block my brain. In any case, I found that the exams are more difficult fucked up! What should be a fool, well for the repression of their subject teachers and castrate themselves for exams asking things that are not in heaven or on earth. Today I
done examining Cultural Heritage Legislation and let me gloat I got 30 with honors. Never before this time I want to say!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Philadelphia Male Genital Wax

not disappeared

I just wanted to remember that not disappeared. Adgli exams are taken, and I honestly think in this time, I will not, for now at least make it public.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Constitutes A Zopiclone Overdose


I read this book, apart from everything that I think Lévi-Strauss, and what I thought reading this book.
I would say that trying to summarize very very very chapter that really speaks of the myth, that is the chapter number 4, can be summarized with this sentence:
Myth is the history of peoples without writing.
said that he could pull off a speech, but the fact remains that it is all summed up in this sentence.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Down ?


I think I've finished more than a week ago, but now I wanted to write something.
Well I must say that I like this author. Trafficking issues
The thing that shocked me most, but not so much, I suspected at the bottom, and I found my thoughts verbatim chaos.
I refer you to post the matter to the beat of wings
In any case, I refer you to read it to understand, I assure you that will not.

La cosa strane e che in un modo o nell'altro tutti i libri mi piacciono, sarò strano eppure ogni libro apre nuovi pensieri.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What To Wear To Ahmanson

New blog

Ho aperto un nuovo blog in cui si discuterà di computer nel loro senso generale.
In pratica girndo nel web si trovano tante informazioni utili, quindi è un bene riportarle.
In ogni caso fateci un salto ogni tanto.
Cercando nel web

Monday, May 11, 2009

What Do You Think About Hanae Mori


Tutti sanno che noi giovani abbiamo sempre più bisogno di soldi!
Ci sono vari modi per guadagnare, uno di questi è farlo tramite una propria passione, I segnalre to anyone passionate about photography, but who is not, a site that through registration, you can upload your work, graphics, photography or video, and follow-up evaluation by a committee will be accepted and put on site.
As for earnings, depends on the type of purchase that it will.
In any case let us jump! The site is called

Clicckando on the banner will be taken to the registration page!
Good job!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Seaports In The Uk Map

I know I sold! JD # 74

From this day on your right you will find some links Advertising
I hope that every once in a Click Submit us do it:) I would like mooooooooolto eheh you gotta pull a living!
not Click here: Donnini Nude!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Plasma For Cash Austin

Cover JD 74

A hole in the sky.
Of Recchioni and Dall'Oglio.

Well I have nothing to say about this cover, speaks for itself.
Take a trip on this blog:
Roberto Recchioni
Lorenzo Bartoli
Massimo Carnevale

Monday, May 4, 2009

How To Make Scramble Net Out Of Rope

Slevin / / Ausoni Romeo gives you a premium account at Megaupload LIFE

Prepare to squint, you think you're still soft and comfortable in your bed? Trust is not so. Slevin to celebrate the opening of his blog has decided to put away a nice premium account to VITA for Megaupload one of the most important and reliable services in file hosting websites.


The account on offer was legally purchased and is worth around € 200.

participate in the competition is in fact easy enough to "copy" this article in your blog and / or site.

I requisiti minimi son pochi ma necessari:

- Avere un sito/blog aperto da almeno due settimane oltre ai vari siti/blog su domini sono supportati anche gli Spaces di MSN, blog di, BlogSpot, Splinder e così via…;

- Il sito deve essere costantemente aggiornato, altrimenti verrà scartato automaticamente;

Il contest avrà una durata di un mese, Quello che segue è la descrizione del funzionamento di tale contest:

Ad ogni blog iscritto verrà assegnato un numero, però, se ad esempio un blog, possiede un pagerank superiore a 0 o 1 ,verranno assegnati tanti numeri quanto è uguale il pagerank ad esempio se il pagerank del sito 1 è uguale a 4 al sito 1 saranno assegnati 4 numeri ad esempio: 2, 3, 4,5. I numeri assegnati non possono essere assolutamente cambiati. Una volta chiuse le iscrizioni ( 8/5/2009 ) tramire il servizio offerto dal sito RANDOM.ORG verrà generato un numero, questo di conseguenza corrisponderà ad un blog, il blog che avrà come numero il numero generato si aggiudicherà il fantastico premio da Slevino messo in palio.

PS: Per verificare a quanto equivale il pagerank del proprio site, use the following service: Google Parameter

With this, I Ausoni Romeo / / Slevin greet you and wish all members of winning.

NB: I recommend you copy, entirety, this article and place it in your blog and / or site. Once that reported the link to your article commenting on the mother article

Monday, April 27, 2009

Black Wall With Zen Furniture

are twenty!

By now I'm getting old.
I am twenty years old.
I can say though that I can not ever complain with gifts. I
been a number of gifts, but for not doing anyone tortto list only those comics, plus I'm lucky because that happens to April 25, when it is always the Comicon. So I always have something in the world of comics!
gift from my girlfriend:

And soon I'll be able to get their hands on this, from my parents:

PS Oh my dear Alessandro Torino friend showed me a great gift:
Printed on photographic paper 50 * 70 is not beautiful? eheh

Friday, April 24, 2009

Has Pattycake Gone Topless

Satan Satanas Satanas

know because people increasingly turns to the devil rather than God?
I asked myself that question as well and that came out is pretty obvious, I think.
The devil is easily accessible, the call goes in person, in most of the time, we say that is very serious in its affairs, ago time to adjust the contract signed and certified. It needs no prayers, no tax, it is enough that you do what you want, and if sin even better!
is usually said that the devil is the tempter and lazy, and above all does not keep the promises they make ! Nothing is more wrong than he is the one to be fooled, every time someone enters into a contract with him after the way always trying to be able to come out with some wiggle room. He does what it promises nothing more nothing less. But we try to yield to its temptations, is ultimately his job is not it? We would never think of telling a wolf that involves so unfair to the sheep who ate, why should we? And 'its nature is not it? On the contrary
God must be prayed, never occurs in person, at most sends you an angel. The devil is an angelic true, but you want to put any angelic is the devil? The devil has his own company, his world, and millions of people at his service. Let's say you made a better society, and then especially lawyers never fail!
One of the last things that at this moment that comes to my mind is one of the simplest.
I start from this theory: one is afraid of what you do not know.
simple and well known as a thing. The devil we know, we know that shape is, we know how it behaves and what he wants. But God does not know much, not as we know was born, because has always existed, we do not know which form it, because should not get in shape and Fundis know that those few times you made me feel angry it is always like a beast, take Adam and Eve, or Noah, or even many other episodes.
Well these are some of the many things, I think.

Distance From Sringeri To Horanadu

keep reading! Strange houses

I'm dedicating two readings, I think a big thing, or maybe even I do not think it's so great about this. Write what I think many times eliminates most of the concepts , the very essence of thought, but I can not help but write a few. Perhaps because of ego staff. But in the fund with a vision of my life, everything is ego. We live for ourselves filled with ego. Everything we do for good or bad is just to get attention from people. After all who is so good as to talk of self , even after his death, he succeeded in the main purpose of our lives.
Here, as usual, I dwell in speeches that I had in mind to write, (or maybe I wanted to write them?) I'm asking many questions, and it is good, but very few can give me answers, which makes me happy because it means that for quite some time I think of that!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Two Mirrors For Self Cutting Hair

Yesterday I read: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide .
How could he not like? Just in this book that there is a split of the person, the duality of the soul; multiple personality to the nth degree I would say almost.
In any case it is a book published in 1886, and I must say that to me the writing style of those times, how to tell and recount the events of that period not only like, but I was very intrigued.
I want to make a real post about this book, but right now I do not feel right and I'm tired. Read it serves a lot!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hebrew Tradition Folded Napkin


My dear friend Alex, after almost two years, found time to finally finish me a drawing made for me! Now I can finally gloat!
This is his blog let us jump that it's worth it!
Alessandro Torino Blog