Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Niit Oracle Training At Kolkata

Competition Happy new year to makeupyourmindgirl

Girls wanted to point out a contest held by Marguerite N. with fantastic prizes up for grabs. The theme is very interesting and suitable for this holiday season .....

here's the link:

I recommend ... unleash the imagination; )
a hug, Milly

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Swollen Gall Bladder Cannot Be Removed

leaving for Stockholm

Follow my blog with bloglovin
Ogni volta l'ansia della partenza si mescola all'ansia della valigia. Assemblare pochi capi che permettano di creare più look è difficile. Tutto si complica quando la destinazione del viaggio è una meta "fredda"per eccellenza; in questo caso, mettere insieme i maglioni pesanti, calze di lana e scarponcini sufficientemente resistenti al ghiaccio e alla neve, ma anche caldi, senza rischiare di sembrare abitanti di no-stylelandia, è un'impresa.
Sicuramente ciò che conta è il viaggio, ma, fatemelo dire, io ODIO fare la valigia!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Female Genital Tattoo Vid

Participation in the competition of Mg Magazine

Hello girls,
I wanted to share a trick I did to participate in the contest held by Mg Magazine in collaboration with Snow Make-up ... are not good and it shows the trick but I like to use your imagination to take part in these competitions.
Here's the video I uploaded on youtube:

After the holidays I will come back with a lot of reviews ....
Hugs to all .... Milly

Friday, December 10, 2010

Where Can I Buy Prom Gowns In Manila

Sorry for the lack

Hello girls ...
quick post just to apologize for this long absence but it is a period full of things to do ... I hope to return soon to see you:)
a hug, Milly