Thursday, April 29, 2010

Flip Camera Difference Mino Ultra

It 'so I know

Tanto non è abbastanza per descrivere il tempo che non scrivo qui, avevo anche pensato ormai di abbandonarlo perchè tanto sò che sono poche le persone che lo leggono, e quelle che lo leggono, non leggono quello che vorrei leggessero (cazzo quanti leggo). Molti pensieri mi sono balenati nella mente, molti altri ancora oramai sono andati persi. Mi dispiace? Certamente, infatti stò temporeggiando per farmi venire in mente pensieri oramai andati.
Pensavo allo scrivere, pensavo al mio scrivere.
Scrivo, se scrivere si può chiamare, però quando io scrivo apro sinceramente me stesso a tutti, lo faccio male, o forse sono solamente io fatto male.
La Prof. di storia del teatro leggendo alcune cose scritte da me mi ha giudicato ingiudicabile, l'ho preso come complimento, it was not.
He said, "has his own unique way to tell, to tell" because I do, "but it hurts" she said. I have continued to take as compliemento.
What prompts me to write? I've said many times, the weight on my stomach, because the point is always the same.
The weight on my stomach, and away with the easy jokes, did you eat heavy, maybe you see the lamb. So do not call it
weight should call it, that's like, at this point is not a birthmark on her stomach, which can be ambiguous, but turns into a desire to escape from the stomach.
But enough beating around the bush, and Talk About strombacchiare. What do I mean?
just that when I write I put in characters this desire weight.
am a person who does not always have fixed points, are not always sure things, shaking forever, but there are some with which they are stationary. One of these? The fact that the aliens may have a reptilian form, that's for me this is not remotely feasible. Maybe I'll explain why in a post fattoappost (a).
00:24 pm I'm seeing the Chiambretti night, opening a page. there is an article titled something that relates to defend their right to the death.
I think, I think I miss Chuck Palahniuk with his books, I read another, but I'm afraid, afraid that it is below my expectations, which is not strong, which does not give me things to think about write about, and let's face it, on which to copy.
I want to go back to when James Joyce's Ulysses made me think about new ways of writing, stream of consciousness it is called, I was good to write that way, as all you can think of, no syntax, thread logical and the distant flashes, words fast, it has always attracted me. Once more I thought, now I do it better, but once they were more, were more true to spend time on this activity, thinking, today there are thought to thought, God how I envy them.
Before I thought about how I like to play devil's advocate, how I like to mentally be able to turn over something to make the right things are wrong e viceversa, purtroppo questo mi si rivolta anche nella vita reale, sò che alcune cose siano sbagliate, sò che non andrebbero fatte, pensate eppure mi viene così spontaneo crede che quelle cose in quel momento siano giuste, no non è vero sò che sono sbagliate, le faccio solo per rovinarmi, non sò perchè.
Più ne esco fuori e più mi tirano dentro, sentì una volta.
Si parla di gay al chiambretti.
A volte quando cerco di dormire penso, ragionamenti logici, pensieri per i problemi del mondo, per un mondo migliore, risolvo problemi ho la soluzione e poi dimentico tutto, che cattiva persona che sono! Potrei salvare il mondo e lo faccio solo a livello teorico, ma è anche giusto così perchè response to the problems with theoretical work only on a theoretical level, there are many things that work in theory but in practice you do not need a chip.
Future, talks about an advertisement for a car, I wonder where I will be in the future, perhaps homeless, perhaps fool, my expectations are many, but I do not have specific programs, I have ideas of what I want to be but I do not take to the streets to be.
much like a wacom better, I would go back to color, I relax, my old does not act now I wonder why more drivers are never good ones.