Monday, February 1, 2010

Do You Get A Stiff Neck With Tonsillitis


I'll be back on the blog talking about the new device from Apple.
Ho alcune cose da dire su questo dispositivo. I pro e i contro.
Approfitto del post di Roberto Recchioni nel suo blog su questo dispositivo.
Dispositivo per la gente. Non credo sia vero.
Dispositivo semplice per gente impaurita dai computer, possibile ma dispositivo che soffre di grandi lacune, un dispositivo zoppo dalla nascita.
Vediamo il perchè.
Recchioni gli attribuisce l'etichetta di user friendly, è verissimo, questo è uno dei pro dei dispositivi sfornati dalla Apple in questi ultimi anni, io ho un Ipod touch e il suo utilizzo è stato naturale. Dice che è un dispositivo per gente semplice che cerca un dispositivo semplice per navigare semplicemente in internet, giocarci, usare facebook, see the video.
What I think Apple made a mistake? We describe the product.
As already said by many people, is nothing but a giant iPod, the model wifi, and I think iphone is a giant crippled the wifi model +3 g. In fact it has nothing less and nothing more than an iPod, find me something that does not have the Ipod. Many say that you put between your phone and computer, not in my opinion is nothing more than a simple product designed by a sudden feeling of omnipotence of the market.
What has the hardware? An exceptional
glass screen, apple
1GHz processor, better screen viewing experience
I think these are the important things such as hardware.
OS? The same
and iPod with minor changes to graphics. For what
born as a reader of books in digital format, watching videos and add game console.
It 's a good product? According to me, and if I can not deny that the money takes it.
What's wrong with Apple? In
many things.
Price, € 500 wifi model based only on the product that is, the price is steep, even for an Apple product.
What's missing? Webcams,
lack of USB ports, no single model
lack 3G but with two different models,
lack of input of SD memory cards.
These are the first things that come to mind that it lacks, we address the various shortcomings.
The webcam can you tell me that you can add, but that because I bought a device from 500 € I have not integrated? Plus portable device that is if I have to bring along an extra piece?
The Flash, are all to say that both the HTML5 is the future, the future and the future yet, but the Ipad quit now and not in the future, and now many sites are optimized for the iphone? Many, but those who still have the flash? Many more. The discourse on the flash is very simple. Apple says that the flash has problems, it is not safe and all the other criticism that he pulls back. Some say that he does not lower the sales dell'AppStore because some games in flash, it is truth or not about flash toys, that my speech will stop. Beyond the speeches dell'AppStore collections, I am reminded of what he said Recchioni, the device is for those people who do 4 things on the Internet, like Facebook, please explain how we play with toys on facebook without the flash? You're not telling me what is the least of the problems, because for me it is just the first.
sull'iPad Imagine you open a web page, its content, flash, and you can not see it, oh well understood, then you want to see a video on youtube but this is not on youtube, but uh the device does not support flash video then not even see a streaming video can, ok let's go a little can happen on facebook, chatting with four friends and the usual stupid toys for her amusement, the touchscreen should be nicer to play it? But you discover that the toys are on FB in flash and therefore can not play! Now just between us this is not the best web browsing experience exists, as it is hailed by the great uncle Steve. The
multitask, important for such a device if they feel the need to ipod / iphone appear on a device with the larger screen, having to constantly close programs and then having to open them and start again is something unnerving , like you open facebook and the internet at the same time is something that would do very well for such a device.
USB / SD card input needed, the ability to move files in a device like this is very important, and do not have to wonder why, plus you can do on mobile phones more common, not because I do not understand this, and also to Then there is the bijection that with a bit extra you can do. The usual discourse, I pay 500 WEU and I can have a simple built-in input?
Finally, the fact that you have created two distinct models, in my opinion is not a smart move, plus the 3G model costs € 120 more if I'm not mistaken, and the price does not justify the extra hardware that give you second my opinion.
As a final point, which I put between the initial ones, plus there's the fact that in Italy there are no agreements, and no one knows if there will be between apple and publishers to bring books and second sull'iPad me for a device that is designed to read books and do not have books that we can put on it is a mistake rather than negligence.
Now for all those who speak negatively of my pieces or more of the adapters or USB inputs for webcam I respond by saying that you can still have this situation I propose:
The device comes as something portable, not too bulky right ? What is more used to read books in digital so it must be portable. I'm going out
at home with my beautiful model +3 g wifi ok?
I sit on a lawn I want to get a good chat on skype with video, I have to drive out of his pocket and connect the webcam, I can chat while meeting a friend of mine who asked me to watch a video that was absolutely on his pen and then I disconnect the camera, close the conversation because he has not the multitask, insert the adapter to the pen, I put the pen and I start the video, but the video do not see why not dell'iPad format, why do not permit to see the most common sizes, but only those known to them, so even if born as a multimedia product does not see all the media, and then unplug the power adapter and stylus, plug in webcam and I have to reconnect to restart the video. Next to me sits a boy with a metbook, market price of € 240, connects the stylus, which starts the video on the pen, video calls with an integrated webcam, connected with a stylus 3g.
Moral of the story? The product is not bad, is good, but the price range for what it offers is too great, too, and I am not exaggerating when I say that would have cost up to 200 euro, but exaggerating.
The product is not for ordinary people, but for people who do not know anything about the least what the market offers and the market prices for the specifications, it is not fair for me to spend 500 € when the market offers products complete at a cost much less.
Ok I made the comparison with a netbook, you can argue that that is a touchscreen tablet, tablet but also talking about the situation does not change, there are thers a price that is greater than minor and no one has so few things and a price so High as Apple.
In conclusion, the iPad is a product that always depends on a computer or itunes for that to be able to incorporate music and video, to various conversions and all that you can not imagine we could do.
Who should buy it? Sincerely
Recchioni says those who have problems with computers, people who are not adomesticate from the computer, I do not think so because as I said it always depends on the computer.
I see it as a product of the Apple Fanboy, for people who do not imprtano of all my criticisms, and especially not a burden to spend that money.
conclude by saying that Apple could really turn the global mercto offering a product that had everything one would expect, the price of the current arrangements, has lost a great opportunity.
she will be a lot of sales, I think more for the brand and the success of other products for occetto itself.
Have an Apple product gets cool, you apart, but now they all have good or bad an Apple product you can still say that you create qesto distinction? Distinct from those who have it all? Let me know.