Friday, June 26, 2009

Software Emulator Safenet

Just two little words fast. There's already too many people talk about it.
Like it or not is a great loss for everyone. There were those who did and who did not. But no one can doubt about his talent and his charisma, always able to gassing the people!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Spider Blade- Misty Mundae 2

only two words I have in mind a long time ago

I ... I was wondering if in the near future, almost certainly, you can upload data to the head of Matrix. In short, connect electrodes to the brain and to make that fit in our mind the data. Imagine the consequences.
No more schools, you should not più studiare, si saprà tutto praticamente in un niente. Avanzamento tecnologico ai massimi livelli, visto che ognuno potrà attingere ai più disparati campi di studio per trovare una soluzione. In ogni caso sembra che tutto vada per il meglio no? Insomma come staranno le cose? Civiltà utopica, tutti sanno tutto, niente più bisogno di lavorare, in sintesi una civiltà simile a quella di Silver surfer nelle sue origini , scritto da Stan Lee . Nel mondo di Silver non c'è più voglia di esplorare si è persa la voglia di andare oltre.
Secondo me il vero problema della conoscenza "totale" sarebbe, quasi andasse contro a ciò, depletion of the brain, the famine of thinking, dreaming, we lose the desire of knowledge, being able to access this too easily. Normal
not want something that can be accessed easily, and what is forbidden, entices us hard, just remember Adam and Eve and the apple (even if on purpose apple is even in this case knowledge).
The beauty of books, art and culture in total, it is the enjoyment that she gets once you understand what we were studying.
Being able to easily access all the information limit, if not negate entirely, the enjoyment of the highest achievement of the knowledge of a thing. Best thing of all is that a time you reach the maximum of knowledge of a subject, this matter has not been fully discovered, evolves and changes, it becomes something else, brings more questions, it becomes other subjects, covering other roles.
The atom at the time of the Greeks had developed a theory philosophy today? Today ago part of science. The science of the Enlightenment sought to separate from his personal life, to become something more than mere sentiment, or perceives as the singularity, to watch the community, or rather, the universality of the processes. It was a step obliged, but today science always tends to fall more in that field "private" in their perceptions of each of us tries to join philosophy and humanities implementing their reasoning applies to the mechanisms of nature. I went outside
speech but it was important to clarify many of these things.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Can Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Warts


I'm sorry you do not post frequently, but the exams completely block my brain. In any case, I found that the exams are more difficult fucked up! What should be a fool, well for the repression of their subject teachers and castrate themselves for exams asking things that are not in heaven or on earth. Today I
done examining Cultural Heritage Legislation and let me gloat I got 30 with honors. Never before this time I want to say!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Philadelphia Male Genital Wax

not disappeared

I just wanted to remember that not disappeared. Adgli exams are taken, and I honestly think in this time, I will not, for now at least make it public.